It’s a great time to be a gay geek these days with LGBT representation and stories making their way into our various fandoms. There’s still tons of work to be done as far as representation but as a gay nerd here are some of the things I’m grateful for that happened in 2017.

**Spoilers Practically for Everything so if you’re not caught up on a particular show or haven’t seen a movie skip that part****

Alex & Maggie on Supergirl

Alex and Maggie Supergirl
Alex Danvers played by Chyler Leigh and Maggie Sawyer played by Floriana Lima from Supergirl on the CW.

Alex Danvers’ coming-out story and her relationship with Maggie have been one of the best and emotional things about Supergirl. I ugly cried a bit when they broke-up though.

The Orville

The Orville
The Orville on Fox.

The first two episodes were fun but in the third one “About A Girl” changed the game with an emotional episode regarding transgender rights in a single gendered all male alien race. The Orville isn’t a spoof of Star Trek: The Next Generation but a love letter and it’s tackling modern day issues that perhaps still couldn’t be talked about back then.

Bill Potts in Doctor Who

Bill Potts Doctor Who
Bill Potts played by Pearl Mackie from Doctor Who on BBC America.

In his final season, Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor got perhaps one of the best companions in Doctor Who history with Bill Potts. Not only is she a smart and inquisitive geek herself but Bill was the first full time gay companion on the Tardis.

Star Trek: Discovery

Stamets and Culber Star Trek Discovery
Stamets and Culber on Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access.

In all of its iterations and movies there has never been any gay crew member in Star Trek history. (Sulu in the new films bro-hugging his husband and daughter don’t count!) Discovery has finally brought us Lieutenant Paul Stamets and Doctor Hugh Culber who are in an actual relationship played by out actors Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz


riverdale Kevin Keller
Kevin Keller played by Casey Cott on Riverdale on the CW.

This soapsy, melodramatic take on Archie comic book characters is pure television guilty pleasure gold with a hot cast and murderous plotlines. Kevin Keller was the first gay character introduced into Archie Comics and on Riverdale he’s hooking up with bad boys and cruising in the woods just like any modern teen!

Wonder Woman


Already a queer icon, Wonder Woman is the strongest woman in movies today single-handedly holding up the DC movie universe with her solo film (one of the best superhero movies ever) while carrying Justice League. Gal Gadot is a one in a million find personifying the majesty and power of a character so many of us have been waiting to see come to life. She has even surpassed my ideal depiction of Wonder Woman which was the Justice League animated version.